Schedule Goals...Achieve Goals! | Series 4.4 - Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance

Episode 4

Schedule Goals...Achieve Goals! | Series 4.4

Published on: 2nd August, 2021

How setting goals can drastically improve what you are capable of achieving.

Securities offered through TFS Securities, Inc. and Advisory Services through TFS Advisory Services, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA / SIPC. TFS Securities, Inc. is located at 437 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738 (732) 758-9300.

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Welcome to the EnjoyMore30s Family Finance

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podcast. The only podcast dedicated to making life more

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enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics

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that tend to weigh on us, stress us out, and distract our focus

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from simply enjoying life.

Joseph Okaly:

Hello and welcome to the fourth episode of The

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Your Major Money Misnomers series. As always, if you like

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what you're hearing, please make sure to subscribe or follow us

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on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. Clicking that star,

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leaving a review really helps us reach other young families out

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there. So last week, we discussed Tax Refunds are Bad

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(Whaaat?!), help you better understand what a tax refund

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actually means, AKA loaning money to the government on a 0%

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interest loan and what you can do to change that amount you may

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be receiving by lowering your withholdings, saving the saving

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the difference, or even contributing more into your tax

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free growing Roth retirement accounts instead. So check that

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out if you haven't already.

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Today, we are discussing goals. Schedule Goals...Achieve Goals,

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where we are going to discuss why goal setting is so important

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even if it initially can seem so daunting, maybe just downright

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annoying. We're going to cover what you need to know about what

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makes goal setting so powerful and what you can do to more

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easily work it into your life. In grammar school, for me, we

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had this physical fitness test, I think that's what it was

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called. And there are two basic levels of achievement. You

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either I guess didn't get any achievement at all, you got the

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higher level achievement, or you kind of got the lower level one.

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So there are three different boxes you could kind of fall in.

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And to get that top one you needed to excel in every single

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exercise test that they laid out. There was sitting reach,

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shuttle run, push ups, I think as well, outside of push ups,

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probably a lot of really antiquated exercises that nobody

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would ever tell you to do anymore in the gym. But you

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know, being the competitive person, I was/still am, I wanted

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the top level. Now all of those I didn't have any problem with

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that I listed so far. I mean, sitting and reaching, touching

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your toes, doing a couple push ups that was okay. The one thing

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that drove me crazy, though, was the pull ups. I just could not

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do enough to qualify and it always landed me in that lower

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level of certification. One year, I decided that I wanted to

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actually train ahead of time in preparation, and I was able to

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drastically increase what I was able to do. Now you think this

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story would be about perseverance and hard work and

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glory and the ending to the story is that I now received the

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higher award but I didn't. I went from maybe three pull ups

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to six pull ups, but I needed like seven or eight. So I still

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didn't wind up getting what I wanted, I was in the same kind

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of lower certification category. And for my eyes for how I looked

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at things at that time, at least, I had failed. And you

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know, you feel pretty crappy about that. So what you need to

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know is that if you ever felt this way before, when it comes

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to goal setting, you may have an incorrect viewpoint on goals,

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like I did for pretty much most of my life. Judging the success

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solely based on that outcome. When I first started at New

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Horizons, one of the earliest things that the founder, Bob,

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did was to review my goals annually. Now, I don't think I

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really ever consciously made another goal probably between

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that presidential fitness test time and starting this first

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job. I mean, there were things that I wanted to do for sure,

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like go to a good college or make the varsity soccer team in

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high school. But most of the time, I never really organized

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them in my head is an actual goal. Just kind of, you know,

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like stuff you want to do. There wasn't a formal plan or anything

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like that to try to get me there and when Bob wanted to go over

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goals with me, it wasn't just business goals. He wanted my

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personal goals as well. And I found this really exceedingly

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difficult. You know, what do you put down for goals when your

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boss is asking? Should you make the goals really high to reach

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towards them? What if I make it really big and then I don't hit

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any of them and I look like a big loser in front of my boss.

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Should I put it low so that I can hit it? But you know what if

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he sees that I've really just setting super easy goals. What

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does that say about me? So it really took literally years for

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me to get to a point to not only stop being paranoid and anxious

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around goals, but to really embrace them and love them. And

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the switch for me was when I found out that goals aren't

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really to make you feel bad about yourself. There isn't

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necessarily a winning and losing to it. Goals are to help you be

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farther along than what you otherwise would be. So in my

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fitness test example, I doubled my pull ups. I was way further

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along than I otherwise would have been. So what you can do is

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take these lessons to your financial situation: make a goal

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for monthly savings, make a goal for updating your legal

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documents, make a goal for a budget. And if you don't hit it

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exactly, don't beat yourself up about it, as you're likely

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further along than you otherwise would have been. So if you're

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saving, let's say, $100 a month now, and you think, "hey, my

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goal is I'd love to be able to save $500 a month, that would

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just be fantastic" then go for it. If you only wind up saving

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$300 a month, you're still 200% better than your starting point.

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At 7% growth, that extra $200 a month would be around $35,000

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after 10 years that you otherwise would not have had. So

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that's nothing to scoff at at all. If you have no let's say

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legal documents set up and you give yourself 30 days, but it

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takes 45 days, hey, that's, that's still great, that's

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probably quicker than the 180 days it would have taken without

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any kind of a plan or a goal. The other great part of this is

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that when that time passes, it gives you a little reminder. If

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you just say to yourself, I should really get my legal

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documents done, you go years without revisiting it, like who

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wants to think about doing their legal documents?! If you change

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that statement to "my goal is to get my legal documents done in

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30 days", then when 30 days passed, if it isn't done, you

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could say "Wow, well, I didn't hit that but let me get let me

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get myself another 30 days and try again". But you have that

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reminder because you set a time frame for it.

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So the recap for today is to remember that goals are to help

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you make improvements more quickly. So don't think of them

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as as failures. Think of them as "Oh, I didn't do that. Let's try

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again. Let's reset that clock", and we're still on a path,

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probably get it to get it done quicker than we otherwise would

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have. All of this is about moving in the right direction,

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taking steps in that right direction. So remember, any step

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you take is a good thing. The most goal oriented ambitious

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people in the world do not hit 100% of their goals every single

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year. I've heard stats like anywhere from maybe 50% 60%.

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Like that was that was our best year. So you know nobody is

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setting all these goals and hitting on all of them. So don't

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let that stop you from not even setting one.

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Thanks as always for tuning in today. If you are able to

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implement what we're covering, that's fantastic. You're better

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off than you were before. You have less to worry about and you

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can just focus more on what we're all here to do, enjoying

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life. If you are wanting help with these things though, or

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have questions you need help in clarifying, check out that Ask

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Joe section on the show's website,

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that's enjoy more 3 0 If you enjoyed this episode

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specifically, please make sure to subscribe reviews on Apple

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podcasts wherever you listen. There are literally millions of

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young families out there I'm trying to reach and help just

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like you.

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The next episode is Your Home Isn't an Investment, maybe

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surprising, where we're going to break down what needs to be true

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for something to really kinda have to be considered an

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investment and how people can sometimes make negative

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financial choices as a result of the traditional "your home is an

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investment" mindset. Until next week, thanks for joining me

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today and I look forward to connecting with you guys again

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The conversations on this show are

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Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes

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only. They do not constitute accounting, legal tax or other

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professional advice for your specific situation. You should

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always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,

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accountant, lawyer or other professional before acting upon

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any content or information found here first. Joe is affiliated

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with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office

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of TFS Securities, Inc., and TFS Advisory Services an SEC

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registered investment advisor member FINRA/SIPC.

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About the Podcast

Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
Family Finance for Young Professionals.
Young families receive little to no personal finance help. We all grow up to have jobs and money, yet our education system focuses on Shakespeare and Algebra. Even professional advice can be hard to come by, with the majority of the industry chasing retirees and existing wealth.

Joe Okaly's podcast is aiming to change this, providing personal financial advice geared specifically to professionals with young families. This podcast is dedicated to making life more enjoyable for young families, by hitting on the financial topics that tend to weigh on us, stress us out, and distract our focus from simply enjoying life.

Joseph P Okaly is a CFP Certified Financial Advisor who fits directly in with who this podcast is focused on - a young professional with a family. With over a decade of experience as an advisor, there is passion and knowledge to make a difference.

Securities offered through TFS Securities, Inc., Advisory Services through TFS Advisory Services, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA / SIPC. TFS Securities, Inc. located at 437 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738 (732) 758-9300.